Post-normal Sound Mapping

Heather Marina Saenz, Fiona Steinert

© Karl Schönswetter

Post-Normal Sound Mapping is a sonic exploration of the WIENWOCHE festival. A group of radio producers and sound artists are searching for places, where one can get a glimpse of a possible post-normal future. Where people collectively work on new normals  and futures, that are not defined by the longing for the restoration of the past. Where today´s communities develop subversive survival tactics or shape changes, which might have led to more justice in 2121. Post-Normal Sound Mapping conducts acoustic archaeology and excavates the sound of the future.  

Together, these sound-portraits create an acoustic map of the future that is anchored in the real urban space. These soundscapes are going to be on air on the radio programme of ORANGE 94.0 during the WIENWOCHE.  

In a workshop, the participating radio producers are going to work out methods of future storytelling, collective speculation and how social change can become audible as an acoustic experience.  

Radio ORANGE 94.0 has been broadcasting 24 hours a day in Vienna for over 22 years. As free radio, ORANGE 94.0 sees itself as part of those social and cultural movements that advocate a self-determined, supportive and emancipatory society. The Unleashing Fantasy Collective feeds SF utopias and speculative methods into transformative discourses.


PROJECT COORDINATORS: Heather Marina Saenz, Fiona Steinert

ARTISTS: Christoph Benkeser, Veza Czyn, Julia Grillmayr, Bernhard Hammer, Kerstin Hruza, Jasemin Khaleli, Flávia Mudesto, Johann Redl, Sophia Leona Rut, Heather Marina Saenz, Karl Schönswetter, Benjamin Stolz, Fiona Steinert

WORKSHOP FACILITATORS: Jana Gebauer, Eugen Pissarskoi / Unleashing Fantasy Collective, Stefan Nussbaumer, Heather Marina Saenz

POSTER DESIGN: Juliana Melzer

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Radio ORANGE 94.0

Fr 10.9. —  14.00, live 
Sa 11.9. — 12.00, 17.00 
So 12.9. — 00.00, 16.00 
Mo 13.9. — 08.00, 14.00 
Di 14.9. — 11.00, 16.00 
Mi 15.9. — 10.00, 15.00 
Do 16.9. — 14.00, 16.00 
Fr 17.9. — 06.00, 18.00 
Sa 18.9. — 13.00, 23.00 
So 19. 9. — 10.00

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