Open Call 2024
The non-citizen movement
Deadline: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Selected projects within WIENWOCHE 2024 will take place September 13-22, 2024.
Please note that we are accepting proposals only via our online application form this year!
Dignity is not negotiable, even in times of increased systemic oppression and fascization. The displaced, those on the move, those who are here to stay. You are the children of the guests that built this city. Our legacy lies with those who sustain this country. How will you recognize the approaching milestones? Six decades of decency and regard? The resilience of people, creatures, and nature endures despite negligence. Basic rights shouldn't be something to earn while being forced into illegality. Reclaim lives!
Civil rights are reserved for citizens.
Social movements run in circles while the outcomes of historical struggles are sometimes easy to forget. Who benefits from these achievements? It's time to move past civil rights claims and create space for those currently excluded. Look around. Look closer. What do you see?
Same faces on the first morning metro. Though we've never met, there's a sense of familiarity, a shared experience of life navigated in perpetual survival mode without restored control. I smile, you smile back. We both know what's coming–the imminent riot.
This is about all of us! Solidarity means holding space for the voiceless, those upon whom politics is practiced. Silenced by fear, overwhelmed by bureaucracy. Would you stand up for a non-citizen civil rights movement in Austria? Would you relinquish your voting right or lend it to someone else? Could you start a protest using your Austrian citizen ID for the many who are unable to?
Non-civic movement is a transformative power!
If your time is also measured by bureaucratic constraints, the potential for a political uprising lies within reach. Seize it! Restrictions on political or artistic expression and limited mobility create a divergence in the space of formation and organized action of the non-citizens. In times of confinement, art offers credibility to propose new visions. How do we change the social reality? When no criteria define you, what prevents you from making anything become possible?
Infiltration, confrontation, disobedience. Poetics. Alternative infrastructures. How do you practice nonconformity?
Collaborating with acknowledged differences requires forming allyships with all planetary inhabitants. Our symbiosis with nature, natural as well as synthetic realms, extends beyond human social interactions. Fluid bodies, continuously interacting with the environment, highlight both our vulnerability and adaptability within it. We understand our interdependencies. Embracing and nurturing this bond requires the responsibility of advocating for the aspirations. Handle your passions, hopes, and dreams with the utmost care.
In a world of unreflected security, wishes and desires may turn out to be conditioned or imposed. Let the censored mind dream! Let passion float beyond its pre-installed limitations. The dialogue outside oppressive systems must start now!
WIENWOCHE is your platform to facilitate struggles. Let‘s support the formulation of (inter)planetary coalition!
Hard Facts
Deadline: Thursday, February 1, 2024
Selected projects within WIENWOCHE 2024 will take place September 13-22, 2024.
What we are looking for
- Hybrid formats between political action and artistic work
- Activist/artist/artivist collaborations; co-operations between different initiatives/action groups
- Interactive and participatory exchange with local communities
- Projects with the potential of creating infrastructures relevant for the communities
- Projects in non-institutional, off- and alternative spaces, public spaces, or projects specially designed for specific spaces of historical and cultural importance in Vienna
Who can apply
- Collectives, action groups and collaborating individuals
- People of all genders, social groups and backgrounds living and working in Vienna
Application mode
- Projects between 15.000 and 20.000 EUR
In case you send us a proposal with the sum smaller than proposed, the curators might suggest merging with another project. In this sense, it might be better that you look for collaborators before sending the proposal.
Our mode of work
- WIENWOCHE is a framework with proposed deadlines and requirements
- Projects will respect the deadlines suggested by the festival team
- There will be 3 meetings with all selected projects and the WIENWOCHE team. Individual meetings will be possible depending on the needs and the clarity of the project
- Artistic director and co-curator of WIENWOCHE are going to work and to exchange with the projects on the concept, budget, formats and locations. Projects are open for suggestions, discussions and further collaborations
- Projects are open for festival schedule date suggestions and the proposed number of events by the artistic director and the curator
- Projects will assign their own conceptual/editorial, press/social media, production and finances team and include their names in the budget proposal
- Projects will promote their events and come to all exchange and public festival programs
- WIENWOCHE will host ecologically sustainable events and we kindly ask you to check the criteria on the following website:
WIENWOCHE is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: Jan 15, 2024 04:00 PM Vienna
Meeting ID: 873 2848 7488
Passcode: 088944
Selection process
- The projects are selected by a jury (3 external members, artistic director/co-curator and the board)
- The information on the public jury meeting will be shared with all the applicants and the event is concentrated on potentially interesting projects for the festival
- After the preselection, WIENWOCHE team will conduct interviews with potentially interesting projects
Public jury meeting
Date + time: 1. März, 2024 14:00 Uhr
Meeting ID: 843 7681 0012
Passcode: 968917
Externer Beirat
Sonja Eismann is co-editor and co-founder of the feminist Missy Magazine and lives and works in Berlin. She studied Comparative Literature, English and French at the Universities of Vienna, Mannheim, Dijon and Santa Cruz (USA). As a journalist she has been active at the intersection of feminism and pop culture since the late 1990s. She co-founded the magazine "nylon. KunstStoff zu Feminismus und Popkultur" in Vienna in 1999, published the reader "Hot Topic. Popfeminismus heute" in 2007 and founded Missy Magazine together with Stefanie Lohaus and Chris Köver in 2008. In 2012, she published the reader "absolute fashion" and, together with her Missy colleagues Chris Köver and Daniela Burger, "Mach's selbst. Do It Yourself for Girls", „Glückwunsch, du bist ein Mädchen“ (2013) and „Hack’s selbst“ (2015). Further book publications followed, most recently together with Anna Mayrhauser, "Freie Stücke. Geschichten über Selbstbestimmung“ (2019) "Wie siehst du denn aus? Warum es normal nicht gibt“ (2020), „Wo kommst du denn her?“(2022) and „Movements & Moments. Indigene Feminismen“ (2022). In her texts, workshops, lectures and courses, she deals with current feminist discourses, the representation of gender in popular culture and theories of fashion.
Yohanna M Roa is a feminist curator, art critic, visual artist and art historian. She holds a Ph.D. in History and Critical Theories of Art from IberoAmericana Universidad México – Cum Laude-Meritorious thesis. MA in „Women and Gender studies“ program at the CUNY Graduate Center. MA in Visual Arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and has a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from the Departmental Institute of Fine Arts of Colombia, with a meritorious thesis.
She has given lectures in various art institutions, developed curatorial and educational art and archive projects in Mexico, Colombia and USA. She is a permanent contributor to Art Nexus Magazine, WhiteHot Magazine and Art Review City NY.
Her artistic work has been a subject for various researches and publications. She obtained the Young Creators Award from the Ministry of Culture of Colombia. Her work is part of the permanent collection of the Tlatelolco Cultural Center in Mexico City.
Simona Ognjanović graduated from the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Philosophy at University of Belgrade, where she is currently pursuing her doctoral studies. Since 2010, she has been active as a curator in the field of contemporary art. She worked at the National Museum in Belgrade (2012−2014), within the Association of Curators Alineja as one of its founders (2015−2018), and since 2017 she has been employed at the Museum of Yugoslavia, where she manages the Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art.
She is the author of numerous articles, studies and prefaces to exhibition catalogues, as well as a series of public lectures and talks about contemporary artistic practices. She has been awarded several awards for her exhibitions and articles.
She is a member of NK ICOM Serbia and the International Association of Art Critics AICA and a member of the Program Advisory Board of AICA Serbia.