Sneak Preview: UNION - The Documentary Film On The Founding of Amazon Labor Union / Chris Smalls

A collaboration between ÖGB International and WIENWOCHE

lun. 16.09.2024


A documentary movie about the combat against AMAZON

Two months before the presidential elections in the US we reflect on the labour conflicts there. The film "UNION" documents the brave unionizing against Amazon, led by charismatic Chris Smalls, headlining guest of WIENWOCHE 2024.

Free admission | Registration mandatory!

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    ÖGB ÖGB | Raum Grete Rehor
    Johann-Böhm-Platz 1, 1020 Wien
    Mostrar ruta
    U2 Donaumarina
    Sneak Preview: UNION - The Documentary Film On The Founding of Amazon Labor Union / Chris Smalls

    Chris Smalls and his comrades

    Sneak Preview: "UNION"

    Der Dokumentarfilm über die Gründung der Amazon Labor Union / Chris Smalls

    ÖGB ÖGB | Raum Grete Rehor
    Johann-Böhm-Platz 1, 1020 Wien
    Mostrar ruta
    U2 Donaumarina
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